Artist Jordan Clark

2022 Workshop 4

November 7, 2022

Art Journaling 101

In this workshop you’ll learn the basics of art journaling and how to use this creative practice to strengthen your ability as an artist. You’ll use a variety of mediums to make beautiful illustrations, sketchbook pages, and postcards. Follow along with the projects in this workshop to learn how a regular art practice will help you improve as a creator! You can take these techniques and ideas to incorporate into your own work and spark creativity when you’re in need of inspiration.

Workshop 4 , Art Journaling With Jordan Clark (All lessons now available!)

Started Nov 7th, 2022

Lesson 1: Art Journaling Tips and Tricks


In this video we'll explore a variety of tools and supplies to learn fun techniques that you can try out in your art journal! We'll play with colored pencils to add doodles, text, and patterns to our art journal. We'll also try out gouache with a simple painting tutorial. Finally, we'll learn how to make decorative collage paper and I'll give you a few ideas for how to use it in your art journal.

Started Nov 14th, 2022

Lesson 2: Painting Floral Greeting Cards with Gouache


Let's paint some floral greeting cards! In this lesson, you'll learn the basics of gouache and how to mix colors. Then, follow the step-by-step instructions to draw and paint three beautiful flower designs! You can use the techniques from this video to create your own greeting cards or paint the flowers in your art journal.

Starting Nov 21st, 2022

Lesson 3: Collage Postcards with Watercolor Pencils


Have you ever wanted to try out watercolor pencils but don't know how to get started? This video is for you! I'll teach you the basics of watercolor pencils and how to layer them to create beautiful textures and tones. Then we'll use these techniques to make a collage landscape design on a postcard!

Starting Nov 28th, 2022

Lesson 4: Painting Patterns with Gouache


In this video I'm sharing a fun and easy technique for creating beautiful patterns in your art journal. We'll bring out the gouache one more time to learn how to paint four different designs on "tiles" of paper. Then, we'll arrange these tiles to create interesting patterns!

Workshop 4 Supply List


Strathmore Mixed Media or Watercolor Visual Journal, 5.5”x8.5”

Strathmore 300 Series Bristol Paper Pad (any size, I used 9x12")

Strathmore Mixed Media Paper

Strathmore Mixed Media Cards

Strathmore Mixed Media Postcards

Maimeri Gouache (primary set) – 5 colors:

  • Titanium White, Primary Yellow, Primary Red Magenta, Primary Blue Cyan, Black

Lyra Rembrandt Aquarell Watercolor Pencils (set of 12)

Lyra Rembrandt Polycolor pencils (set of 12)

Lyra Rembrandt HB drawing pencil

Princeton Velvetouch paintbrushes:

  • Round #3

  • Filbert #4

Other Supplies:

  • Paint palette
  • Water cup
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Black pen
  • Sponge
  • Ruler

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Topic: Topic: Lesson 2 Questions

Thank you for joining us! Ask any questions you may have about Jordan's week 2 lesson.