Artist Brandon Schaefer

2022 Workshop 3

August 1, 2022

Sketching & Drawing – The Foundation of All Art

Discover the world of sketching and drawing; the foundation of creating any type of art. Together we will learn the fundamentals, which will help you grow in confidence while deepening your knowledge and understanding of sketching & drawing. You will learn about values, shading and how to create more realistic drawings.

Fox drawing by Brandon Schaefer
Artwork by Brandon Schaefer

Started Aug 1st, 2022

Lesson 1: Materials, Using the Materials, and Simple Lines & Shapes


In this lesson we will be learning about all the materials you will need to start sketching and drawing in your sketchbook. Try to simplify your materials as much as possible and only use what is necessary for you. It's easy to become overwhelmed by an excess of materials, so it's best to avoid this if possible and keep it simple. We'll practice making different types of lines, shapes and forms to prepare for future sketches and drawings.

Started Aug 8th, 2022

Lesson 2: Blocking-in Methods and Simplifying Objects


In this video we will learn a few different methods for beginning a drawing and how to block-in our subject on the page. This stage of the drawing process is one of the most important to understand and practice a lot. The better you become at this stage of drawing, the easier the rest of the drawing process becomes. We will also learn about simplifying objects.

Started Aug 15th, 2022

Lesson 3: Proportions, Measuring Techniques, & Values


In this lesson we will learn all about proportions and how to create more accurate drawings. We will use the block-in methods from Lesson 2 and use measuring techniques and proportions to make our block-ins more accurate and realistic. Lastly, we will learn some simple shading techniques to bring our drawings to life.

Started Aug 22nd, 2022

Lesson 4: Drawing a Simplified Portrait from a Painting


In this video we will put together all of the lessons from the previous videos and create a final sketch or drawing. We will incorporate lines, shapes, blocking-in, proportions, and shading. Please take your time on this stage and try it as many times as you can. Sometimes it can take multiple attempts to get the desired outcome we are looking for. Practice will only make your drawing better.

Workshop 3 Supply List


Strathmore Toned Tan Sketchbook

Strathmore Toned Tan Sketchbook 80lb/118gsm • medium surface - P412-5 (5.5 x 8.5") or P412-9 (9 x 12")


Lyra Graduate Graphite Pencil

Lyra Graduate Graphite Pencil - Set of 12 - L1171120

Lyra Sandpaper Block

Lyra Sandpaper Block - L2091507

Lyra Rembrandt White Pastel Pencil

Lyra Rembrandt White Pastel Pencil - L2052001

Lyra Kneadable Eraser

Lyra Kneadable Eraser - L2091467

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Topic: Workshop 3 Supplies

Get info and ask any question you have about supplies for Workshop 3.
Hi, I'm searching for these supplies online and they seem a bit difficult to find (at least on Amazon). The eraser is there, but I don't see the pencils. The sand block is there but only in a 10-pack which is kind of expensive. Are there alternative products that you can recommend? Thanks. Julian
Hi Julian - we're sorry to hear some of these supplies have been difficult to find. You can use any type of drawing sandpaper block that are intended for sharpening pencils. For pencils, you can use any graphite pencils you're able to find and we'd recommend an assortment that gives you a range of values (for example, a 4H, H, 2B, 4B, and 8B). The value scale can range from 6H (lightest), to 9B (darkest), so getting a couple pencils from the scale to experiment with is best. For the white pencil, any white charcoal or white pastel pencil will work.
Thanks, I think I managed to find what I need.
Glad to hear that Julian! I will just re-iterate for others as well who may read this. Don't worry about getting the most expensive pencils or materials, it is not necessary for learning at this stage. Get what you're comfortable with and focus on using what you get and having fun with it!