2022-05-05 13:33
I made mention of this problem somewhere else, but it seemed deserving of its own thread.
In the photo, on the left is my painting water container (the three section ones are really nice, the Oriental brush painters use them) and on the right is my coffee cup. It should be no problem telling which is which, right? However, if I have a cup of coffee on the table while I am working, I will inevitably dip my brush in the coffee at some point! Curiously, I have never tried to drink from the paint water basin. Even using the self-contained waterbrush shown in the paint tin, which supplies its own water and does not need dipping, I will sooner or later dip that in my coffee, too.
In the case of this paint set, made for kids and non-toxic, it is probably not a big deal. However, I do have an artist grade set that has cadmium red and yellow, and cobalt blue which could be more problematic.
So, I never keep an open drinking container in my workspace.
Does anyone else suffer this problem? 2022 Workshop 2
May 2, 2022