Artist Ashley Krieger

2022 Workshop 1

Easy Breezy Beach Art with Acrylics

Acrylics are a remarkable permanent, rich, colorful, versatile, and adaptable medium that gives artists endless possibilities. No wonder they attract artists all over the world! These lessons will teach you how to get started with acrylics and take you on a journey to the ocean with them as we paint some simple beach art.

Workshop 1 Introduction

Started March 7th, 2022

Lesson 1: Welcome to Acrylics and the Ocean


Dive right into the basic supplies you need to get started with acrylics. Then discover my solutions to acrylic obstacles, such as keeping the paints from drying too fast. Then we'll explore simple techniques while we create a beautiful underwater ocean scene together.

Started March 14th, 2022

Lesson 2: Fun Ocean Wave Painting


We’re going to catch the wave of fun brushstrokes, as we learn about paint brushes and brush stroke techniques. By the end we’ll have created an awesome ocean wave together.

Started March 21st, 2022

Lesson 3: Calm Beach Painting


We’re going to learn how to mix and match colors simply so we can relax when we create colors and blend them on our canvas. By the end we will have created a beautiful beach scene together and some serious zen.

Started March 28th, 2022

Lesson 4: Tropical Seascape and Exploring the World of Acrylics


Creating art is about discovering possibilities, expressing who we are, and getting into the flow so we can enjoy the relaxing benefits. While we paint a tropical seascape I’ll teach you where to discover more about acrylics, painting, and your inner art style.

Workshop 1 Supply List



System 3 Acrylic Paints

System3 Heavy Body or Soft Body Acrylic Paint (instructor uses Heavy Body)

Paint Colors:

  • Blue (Process Cyan)
  • Dark Blue (Prussian Blue)
  • Medium Blue (Ultramarine Blue)
  • Green (Phthalo Green)
  • Yellow (Cadmium or Lemon yellow)
  • Brown (Burnt Sienna)
  • Red (Cadmium Red Hue)
  • Magenta (Process Magenta)
  • White (Titanium White)
  • Black (Mars or Ivory black)

Princeton Select Artiste Brush - Round #6-8

- Round Brush (#6-8)

princeton 3750

- Detail Brush (#0-1)

Princeton Select Artiste Brush - 1/2 Inch flat brush

- 1/2" Flat Brush

Princeton Select Artiste Brush - 1 Inch flat brush

- 1" Flat Brush

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Topic: Post Lesson 3 Questions Here

If you have any questions post below. I'm happy to answer them.
Hi Ashley, Unfortunately for this lesson I had no internet so I did my painting from the downloaded pdf. I learned that is was much better to follow along with the video. I had watched it once at an earlier time. I really missed it whilst doing my painting. My question is this. Do you let the paint dry at any stage? As i and problems with my white staying white, and also some trouble with making streaks that didn't blend. I also had a bit of a problem in all these lessons with my colour getting muddy at times, and I had to go into rescue mode. Thanks Lotus
Hi Lotus Because acrylics dry fast you want to blend colors while they are wet. If the paint is dry, instead you can use glazing (a small amount of transparent color) and go over the dry area with it to get the blended look. At no time did I stop painting to let anything dry while I painted this. If I do that, I always let my students know. But I'll use the technique necessary to get the blended look depending on the dry stage of my layers. Next question. Muddy colors happen when colors are mixed together. So if you want to keep a color bright don't add white, black or any color to it. Instead start with the bright color you want strait from the tube. Also, use the glazing technique vs. the blending technique. For example a bright sun is brighter when painted white, then a bright yellow is used to glaze over it vs. mixing the yellow with white to just paint the sun.
Hi Ashley Thank you very much that information was helpful. Thank you for doing these lessons. I enjoyed your approach to teaching and i learned a lot along the way. Not only about painting technique but a also little philosophy as well. All very helpful for my future painting. It was interesting to learn that I can produce a reasonable painting in a relatively short time. I had a lot of fun! All the best to you. Lotus